Old habits die hard, don't they ... (Hexagram 39, OBSTRUCTION)

We build too many walls and not enough bridges.

(Isaak Newton)


buddhagirl said…
Hi! just took a quick moment to look at your blog - love it! yes, you may use an image or two of mine for your blog - could you please attach a link to mine on yours and place my name under the image? it's jennifer mazzucco... that would be great - i noticed that you did that with all the other photos and artwork, but figured i'd mention it anyway...


i've been trying to figure out ways to get my blog out there. i'll link yours to mine as well under the sidebar called "pure inspiration".

peace and be well,
Jaliya said…
Jennifer, thank you :-) I will certainly link to your blog and credit you with your work ... I love finding beautiful creations that enrich the words I write here ... Your blog is exquisite ... Kindred spirits will come! :-)

Bless xo

Renee said…
Jaliya thank you for your beautiful words.

Your spirit is pure.

Love Renee xoxo
Jan said…
Yes, yes, yes.

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