In the deeps (Hexagram 29)

Questions that tap into our mortality, our pain, our selfishness, our basic needs, questions that arise from the immeasurable darkness, light, or mystery of our lives, require more than Answerization. They require our suffering, steadfastness, silent yearning, and deepest faith.

~David James Duncan ~


Jan said…
WOW--that is thought provoking.
Renee said…
Jaliya thank you for the poem, I always appreciate everything you have to say.

Love to you.

Renee xoxo
Karin Bartimole said…
whew, that's a powerful one Jaliya - thank you!
oxox k
Renee said…
Jaliya I love you. Our yearning and our deepest faith.

Love Renee xoxo
Renee said…
Jaliya again this is so lovely. You are going to kill me but I was at Jacquie's and was going to talk to her about it, and then out the window it went.

Okay, tomorrow.

Love Renee xoxo

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