Healing happens ... (Hexagram 18, REPAIRING WOUNDS)

One day several years ago, I was driving along and a thought-banner wove through my mind; it said, Everything is healing all the time.

OK, my body said, and sighed deeply into the light that streamed along in wisdom's wake ...

Thanks to dear Renee for the picture ... and to the unknown artist who created this exquisite image. Renee, I'm sending streams of weaving, healing light your way ...


Unknown said…
Yes, I love that image. You posted this at the exact synchronistic right time for me. I have been very sick with what I gather is the flu. Total hell. I'm doing nothing but sleeping and just got up to cheer myself with something on the Internet. You must have "heard' my need.

Bella Sinclair said…
Yes, I love that image as well. And those words are perfect, for the image as well as our dear friend Renee. Jaliya, thank you for visiting me and your very kind words. Your blog is inspiring and beautiful, soothing for the soul, something I often need.

Have a wonderful day.

Jaliya said…
Adele ... Be well, dear heart!

Bella ... Thank you too for visiting :-) and your kind words ... I am reminded, when I muse on your art, of one of my saucy childhood heroines: Eloise! Do you know of her? I adored this intrepid little rascal, and still do. Go here for a boo ...
Curio said…
Jaliya, what an original blog you've created! It feels like I'm taking a tour with each post leading me to another. And always, the thoughts pull me forward to further discovery.
Renee said…
I love you darling.

I am so glad that you found dear Bella.

Jaliya I think that you and Bella will be the best of friends in no time, she is amazing and clever and I love her to bits.

Love Renee xoxoxo
Renee said…
Love you darling.


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